How do I enter?
- Sign up using your preferred email here. If you're already a member, take note of the email you use to sign in.
- Follow the steps in the following link (the email for the review must match up with your Finder Membership email address)
- Congrats! You're successfully entered! The winner of the $200 Mastercard gift card will be announced this page on 7 April 2025.
*Terms and conditions apply.
Previous winners of $200 Mastercard gift card |
November 2023: Bruce J. T. from VIC won.
December 2023: Amanda C. from QLD won.
April 2024: Amy S. from QLD won.
June 2024: Angus W. from QLD won.
July 2024: Amy C. from NSW won.
August 2024: David B. from VIC won.
September 2024: Yougan M. from WA won.
October 2024: Lucy S. from NSW won.
November 2024: Stephen L. from NSW won.
December 2024: Ange.K from NSW
January 2025: Jonathan F. from QLD
February 2025: Kathleen S. from VIC