Jessica Prasida brings a decade of experience in the travel industry. After spending over four years working as a travel agent and branch manager at STA Travel, she transitioned to helping Australians navigate the often-overlooked aspects of travel insurance with Finder. She holds a Bachelor of Business and a Master of Marketing from the University of Technology, Sydney, as well as a Tier 1 General Insurance qualification, ensuring that she has the relevant industry knowledge to provide expert advice on travel insurance products. An avid traveller herself, Jessica blends her professional expertise with a love of adventure, and a passion for ensuring that every traveller’s journey is as safe as it is exciting. Jessica was a Travel Insurance Publisher at Finder from 2019 to 2024.
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65 articles written by this author
Finder Product Awards 2023
Our experts have crunched the numbers to determine the best products for Australians in the 2023 Finder Product Awards.

Travel insurance for pregnancy
Plan to travel while pregnant? Read about the type of cover available for pregnant travellers of up to 32 weeks.

Fast Cover promo code and discounts
Looking to save on travel insurance? Use Fast Cover promo codes, deals and discounts to find savings ahead of your next holiday.

Home furniture insurance
Here’s everything you need to know about insuring your prized furniture collection.

Renters insurance: Aquariums
If you're a tenant with a fragile home aquarium, here's how renters insurance can help protect it.

Are outdoor living areas covered by home insurance?
From gazebos to furniture to water features, outdoor living home insurance can cover a range of things we keep outside.

Home and kitchen appliance insurance
Get protection for your high-value electronics and whitegoods with home and kitchen appliance insurance.

Shower leak insurance
Learn how your insurance can help with the potentially major headache of a shower leak.

Shed insurance
Shed insurance can cover sheds of all shapes and sizes, as well as their often-valuable contents.

Garden insurance
Looking for garden insurance? The right home insurance policy can cover things like your ride-on mower, gazebo and some of your most prized plants.