Compare and start finding better

This directory shows all the key categories Finder compares to help you make better financial decisions.

Money - Insurance - Utilities


Credit cards

Compare credit cards
Best credit cards
A to Z list of credit card brands

Home loans

Compare home loans
Best home loans
A to Z list of home loan brands

Personal loans

Compare personal loans
Best personal loans
A to Z list of personal loan brands

Car loans

Compare car loans
Best car loans
A to Z list of car loan brands

Savings accounts

Compare savings accounts
Best savings accounts
A to Z list of banking providers

Super funds

Compare super funds
Best super funds
A to Z list of super fund providers

Share trading

Compare trading platforms
Best trading platforms
A to Z list of share trading platforms


Compare cryptocurrency exchanges
Best cryptocurrency exchanges
A to Z list of altcoins

International money transfers

Compare international money transfers
Best international money transfers
A to Z list of international money transfer services


Life insurance

Compare life insurance
Best life insurance
A to Z list of life insurance brands

Travel insurance

Compare travel insurance
Best travel insurance
A to Z list of travel insurance brands

Health insurance

Compare health insurance
Best health insurance
A to Z list of health insurance funds

Car insurance

Compare car insurance
Best car insurance
A to Z list of car insurance brands

Home insurance

Compare home insurance
Best home insurance
A to Z list of home insurance brands

Pet insurance

Compare pet insurance
Best pet insurance
A to Z list of pet insurance brands

Business insurance

Compare business insurance
A to Z list of business insurance brands


Electricity and gas

Compare energy plans
Best energy providers
A to Z list of energy providers


Compare internet plans
Best internet plans
A to Z list of internet providers

Mobile plans

Compare mobile plans
Best mobile plans
A to Z list of mobile plan providers

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