Regulator registration
Supported assets
Fiat currencies
No supported
This is not an endorsement of cryptocurrency or any specific provider, service or offering. It is not a recommendation to trade or use any services.

Our verdict

Trade 750+ cryptocurrencies and NFTs, along with copy trading, Web3 access and staking.

Bitget is a full-featured cryptocurrency exchange that offers a fairly comprehensive range of products and services.

This includes staking, NFTs and Web3 support, copy trading, educational resources and 24/7 live chat.

You can trade 750+ coins with relatively low trading fees, multiple payment methods and an instant buy option, making it a convenient choice for those looking to dip their toes in the crypto markets.


  • Copy trading. You can follow the trades of more than 180,000 traders.
  • Web3 compatibility. You can buy and sell NFTs and trade tokens via the Bitget smart wallet.
  • Crypto staking support. Stake more than 100 popular cryptocurrencies, including Ethereum and Solana
  • 24/7 customer support. Live chat is available 24 hours a day.


  • No AUD markets. You’ll need to convert your AUD before you can trade the spot market.

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Product details

Product Name Bitget
Cryptocurrencies BTC, ETH, SOL, BNB, DOGE, PEPE, BGB, FLOKI, TURBO, NOT & 743 more
Deposit Methods Bank transfer
Credit card
Debit card
Apple Pay
Google Pay
Trading Fee Maker: 0.02 – 0.10%
Taker: 0.03 – 0.10%
Deposit Fees None
Withdrawal Fees Cryptocurrency: Fees vary
AUD: None

About Bitget

Bitget was founded in 2018 and now claims to have more than 100 million users.

It was one of the first crypto exchanges to support copy trading and also offers support for NFTs and Web3 through its Bitget wallet.

Bitget supported assets

Bitget supports over 752 cryptocurrencies. In total, Bitget carries 18 of the top 20 cryptos by market cap.

Popular assets on Bitget
Bitcoin (BTC)
Ethereum (ETH)
does not support
Tether (USDT)
Solana (SOL)
Dogecoin (DOGE)
Cardano (ADA)
Lido Staked Ether (STETH)
Wrapped Bitcoin (WBTC)
Chainlink (LINK)
Sui (SUI)
Avalanche (AVAX)
does not support
Wrapped stETH (WSTETH)
Stellar (XLM)
Litecoin (LTC)
Toncoin (TON)
Shiba Inu (SHIB)

Bitget fees review

Deposit and withdrawal fees

Transaction type Fee
Deposit funds
Withdraw funds
Cryptocurrency: Fees vary
AUD: None

Bitget uses a maker taker fee structure for spot market trading. Instant purchases incur a separate fee.

Type Fee

Maker fee explained. A maker fee is the fee charged when you propose an order for other traders to take. In other words, this fee is charged when you place a limit order to sell an asset, but that order is not filled immediately.

Taker fee explained. A taker fee is a fee charged when a buy order is matched immediately with a sell order on the books. This is the fee charged when you place a market buy order.

Bitget deposit methods

  • Bank transfer
  • Credit card
  • Cryptocurrency
  • Debit card
  • Apple Pay
  • Google Pay

How to sign up on Bitget

  1. Create an account. Enter your mobile number or email address or sign up using your Apple, Telegram or Google account.
  2. Enter the verification code. Bitget will send you a 6-digit code that you'll need to enter to verify your account details.
  3. Complete your identity verification. You'll need to provide a government-issued ID and face recognition in order to verify your account and begin trading. Your identity will normally be verified in around 1 hour.

Is Bitget safe?

Bitget stores users’ assets via multi-signature cold storage to help protect them against hacks.

It also keeps an on-chain Proof of Reserves record that you can check to see if your funds are protected.

Bitget also uses a Protection Fund to potentially cover losses on its exchange.

Keeping your crypto secure

All centralised exchanges, including Bitget, are vulnerable to counterparty risks like hacking, theft and insolvency. Using a self-custodial or hardware wallet is widely accepted as the best way to improve the security of your funds. We've shared some of our top picks below.

Ledger Nano X Wallet

Trezor Model T Wallet

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Supported assets


Supported assets


Price (USD)


Price (USD)


Bitget customer support

Bitget has a live chat function that is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, as well as email support. However, it doesn’t offer phone support.

How to reach Bitget customer support

  • Email
  • Live chat

Alternatives to Bitget

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Cryptocurrencies are speculative, complex and involve significant risks – they are highly volatile and sensitive to secondary activity. Performance is unpredictable and past performance is no guarantee of future performance. Consider your own circumstances, and obtain your own advice, before relying on this information. You should also verify the nature of any product or service (including its legal status and relevant regulatory requirements) and consult the relevant Regulators' websites before making any decision. Finder, or the author, may have holdings in the cryptocurrencies discussed.

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