Cheap energy plans

Don't sit in the dark and sleep on your energy bill. There are cheap energy plans around – you just need to make the switch.

Compare cheap electricity plans in your state

1 - 10 of 64
Product Plan features Reference price Typical annual cost
Ampol Energy logo
Reference price
24% less
than reference price
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
Kogan Energy logo
Reference price
23% less
than reference price
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
Kogan Energy logo
Reference price
23% less
than reference price
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
Energy Locals logo
Reference price
23% less
than reference price
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
Sumo logo
  • Credit card fees
  • No disconnection fee
  • Rates are not fixed
  • Single rate tariff
  • FiT from 5c/kWh
  • Basic Plan Information
Reference price
21% less
than reference price
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
Red Energy logo
Reference price
20% less
than reference price
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
Red Energy logo
Reference price
20% less
than reference price
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
Red Energy logo
Reference price
20% less
than reference price
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
Red Energy logo
Reference price
20% less
than reference price
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
Momentum Energy logo
Reference price
20% less
than reference price
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
The annual estimated electricity prices are based on a residential customer on the Ausgrid network who consumes 3,900kWh yearly on a single rate tariff. Your actual bill may vary depending on your consumption.
1 - 10 of 79
Product Plan features Reference price Typical annual cost
Tango Energy logo
Reference price
25% less than
Victorian Default Offer
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
OVO Energy logo
Reference price
23% less than
Victorian Default Offer
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
CovaU logo
  • Credit card fees
  • Rates are not fixed
  • Single rate tariff
  • FiT from 4.9c/kWh
  • Energy Fact Sheet
Reference price
22% less than
Victorian Default Offer
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
Kogan Energy logo
Reference price
20% less than
Victorian Default Offer
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
Kogan Energy logo
Reference price
20% less than
Victorian Default Offer
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
Alinta Energy logo
Reference price
19% less than
Victorian Default Offer
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
OVO Energy logo
Reference price
19% less than
Victorian Default Offer
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
Pacific Blue Retail logo
Reference price
19% less than
Victorian Default Offer
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
Tango Energy logo
Reference price
19% less than
Victorian Default Offer
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
Sumo logo
  • Credit card fees
  • No disconnection fee
  • Rates are not fixed
  • Single rate tariff
  • FiT from 3.3c/kWh
  • Energy Fact Sheet
Reference price
18% less than
Victorian Default Offer
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
The annual estimated electricity prices are based on a residential customer on the Citipower network who consumes 4000kWh yearly on a single rate tariff. Your actual bill may vary depending on your consumption.
1 - 10 of 64
Product Plan features Reference price Typical annual cost
Ampol Energy logo
Reference price
24% less
than reference price
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
OVO Energy logo
Reference price
24% less
than reference price
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
Sumo logo
  • Credit card fees
  • No disconnection fee
  • Rates are not fixed
  • Single rate tariff
  • FiT from 2c/kWh
  • Basic Plan Information
Reference price
22% less
than reference price
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
Momentum Energy logo
  • Credit card fees
  • No disconnection fee
  • Rates are not fixed
  • Single rate tariff
  • FiT from 2.9c/kWh
  • Basic Plan Information
Reference price
22% less
than reference price
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
Momentum Energy logo
  • Credit card fees
  • No disconnection fee
  • Rates are not fixed
  • Single rate tariff
  • FiT from 2.9c/kWh
  • Basic Plan Information
Reference price
22% less
than reference price
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
OVO Energy logo
Reference price
21% less
than reference price
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
Powershop logo
Reference price
20% less
than reference price
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
Kogan Energy logo
Reference price
20% less
than reference price
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
Kogan Energy logo
Reference price
20% less
than reference price
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
CovaU logo
  • Credit card fees
  • No disconnection fee
  • Rates are not fixed
  • Single rate tariff
  • FiT from 5.5c/kWh
  • Basic Plan Information
Reference price
18% less
than reference price
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
The annual estimated electricity prices are based on a residential customer on the Energex network who consumes 4,600kWh yearly on a single rate tariff. Your actual bill may vary depending on your consumption.
1 - 10 of 62
Product Plan features Reference price Typical annual cost
Momentum Energy logo
Reference price
17% less
than reference price
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
Momentum Energy logo
Reference price
17% less
than reference price
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
Kogan Energy logo
Reference price
17% less
than reference price
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
Powershop logo
Reference price
17% less
than reference price
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
Kogan Energy logo
Reference price
17% less
than reference price
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
OVO Energy logo
Reference price
16% less
than reference price
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
Energy Locals logo
Reference price
14% less
than reference price
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
Energy Locals logo
Reference price
13% less
than reference price
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
$197.88 membership fee included
Energy Locals logo
Reference price
13% less
than reference price
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
$197.88 membership fee included
OVO Energy logo
Reference price
12% less
than reference price
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
The annual estimated electricity prices are based on a residential customer on the SA Power Network who consumes 4,000kWh yearly on a single rate tariff. Your actual bill may vary depending on your consumption.
1 - 10 of 28
Product Plan features Reference price Typical annual cost
Origin Energy logo
Reference price
24% less
than reference price
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
Origin Energy logo
Reference price
20% less
than reference price
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
Red Energy logo
Reference price
18% less
than reference price
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
Red Energy logo
Reference price
18% less
than reference price
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
Red Energy logo
Reference price
18% less
than reference price
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
Red Energy logo
Reference price
18% less
than reference price
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
Red Energy logo
Reference price
18% less
than reference price
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
ActewAGL logo
Reference price
16% less
than reference price
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
ActewAGL logo
Reference price
14% less
than reference price
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
Energy Locals logo
Reference price
12% less
than reference price
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
$197.88 membership fee included
The annual estimated electricity prices are based on a residential customer on the Evoenergy network who consumes 6,500kWh yearly on a single rate tariff. Your actual bill may vary depending on your consumption.
1 - 10 of 12
Product Plan features Reference price Typical annual cost
Energy Locals logo
Reference price
13% less
than reference price
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
$197.88 membership fee included
Energy Locals logo
Reference price
11% less
than reference price
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
Energy Locals logo
Reference price
10% less
than reference price
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
$257.88 membership fee included
Aurora Energy logo
Reference price
8% less
than reference price
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
$2,120 if you pay by direct debit
Solstice Energy - Skyward Residential Single Rate
Solstice Energy logo
Reference price
4% less
than reference price
Plus an extra 2% below the reference price if you meet the conditional discount requirements
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
$2,180 if you meet the conditional discount requirements
CovaU logo
Reference price
4% less
than reference price
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
1st Energy logo
Reference price
3% less
than reference price
Plus an extra 7% below the reference price if you meet the conditional discount requirements
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
$2,090 if you meet the conditional discount requirements
Aurora Energy logo
Reference price
Same as
the reference price
Plus an extra 1% below the reference price if you pay by direct debit
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
$2,300 if you pay by direct debit
1st Energy logo
Reference price
Same as
the reference price
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
1st Energy logo
Reference price
Same as
the reference price
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
The estimated yearly cost includes GST for a household in the Tasmanian Networks zone. We've used postcode 7000 to help you get an idea of prices, however, these may vary slightly depending on where you live. Always double-check plan details that matter to you.
Product Details Electricity prices (annual estimate) Discounts Solar feed-in tariff Apply
Rimfire Energy logo

12.1 cents per kWh
Jacana Energy logo

9.33 cents per kWh
The annual estimated electricity prices are based on a residential customer on the network who consumes 8500kWh yearly on a single rate tariff. Your actual bill may vary depending on your consumption.

Compare cheap gas plans in your state

Product Plan features Charges Typical annual cost
Origin Energy logo
Supply: 70.13c/day
Usage: 2.87 - 4.59c/MJ
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
Origin Energy logo
Supply: 73.47c/day
Usage: 3.01 - 4.81c/MJ
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
Kogan Energy logo
Supply: 65.62c/day
Usage: 3.32c/MJ
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
The annual estimated gas prices are based on a residential customer on the Jemena network who consumes 18542MJ yearly on a single rate tariff. Your actual bill may vary depending on your consumption.
Product Plan features Charges Typical annual cost
CovaU logo
Supply: 71.5c/day
Usage: 2.82 - 2.86c/MJ
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
Sumo logo
  • Credit card fee
  • No disconnection fee
  • Rates are not fixed
  • Single rate tariff
  • Energy Fact Sheet
Supply: 77c/day
Usage: 2.53 - 2.86c/MJ
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
Sumo - Assure Gas
Sumo logo
  • Credit card fee
  • No disconnection fee
  • Rates are not fixed
  • Single rate tariff
  • Energy Fact Sheet
Supply: 88c/day
Usage: 2.92 - 3.02c/MJ
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
The annual estimated gas prices are based on a residential customer on the Australian Gas Networks network who consumes 46000MJ yearly on a single rate tariff. Your actual bill may vary depending on your consumption.
Product Plan features Charges Typical annual cost
Alinta Energy logo
Supply: 101.18c/day
Usage: 3.52 - 3.83c/MJ
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
Origin Energy logo
Supply: 109.89c/day
Usage: 3.43 - 3.69c/MJ
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
Red Energy logo
Supply: 115.78c/day
Usage: 3.68c/MJ
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
The annual estimated gas prices are based on a residential customer on the APA (Allgas Energy) network who consumes 8000MJ yearly on a single rate tariff. Your actual bill may vary depending on your consumption.
Product Plan features Charges Typical annual cost
CovaU logo
Supply: 90.33c/day
Usage: 2.96 - 4.8c/MJ
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
Alinta Energy logo
Supply: 67.86c/day
Usage: 3.81 - 5.58c/MJ
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
Lumo Energy logo
Supply: 89.92c/day
Usage: 2.73 - 5.08c/MJ
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
The annual estimated gas prices are based on a residential customer on the Australian Gas Networks network who consumes 14000MJ yearly on a single rate tariff. Your actual bill may vary depending on your consumption.
Product Plan features Charges Typical annual cost
Origin Energy logo
Supply: 61.6c/day
Usage: 2.96 - 3.73c/MJ
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
ActewAGL logo
Supply: 57.68c/day
Usage: 2.98 - 3.85c/MJ
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
Origin Energy logo
Supply: 63.36c/day
Usage: 3.04 - 3.83c/MJ
Estimated cost/year (typical usage)
The annual estimated gas prices are based on a residential customer on the Evoenergy network who consumes 20000MJ yearly on a single rate tariff. Your actual bill may vary depending on your consumption.
Product Details Gas Price (annual estimate) Description
AGL logo

ENGIE (formerly Simply Energy) logo

AGL Senior Plus
AGL logo

The annual estimated gas prices are based on a residential customer on the ATCO network who consumes 4015MJ yearly on a single rate tariff. Your actual bill may vary depending on your consumption.

Why compare energy plans with Finder?

  • We don't charge extra. Prices shown on Finder are the same as those you get directly from energy providers.

  • We update our plans from providers daily so you can make an informed decision.

  • We've helped over 1.39 million people compare energy plans in the last 3 years.

How do I find the cheapest electricity and gas plans in my state?

Comparing your energy plan options at least once a year is the best way to make sure you're on a competitively-priced electricity and gas plan.
There are a few factors to consider when comparing the cheapest energy plans in your state:

  • Fixed vs variable. Often variable rate plans may be cheaper but your provider can change the rate (with notice) at any time. Fixed-rate plans are usually more expensive but they do lock in your rates for around 12 months. During times when wholesale electricity prices are volatile, a fixed-rate energy plan can be better by shielding you from price hikes, making it cheaper in the long run. However, keep in mind they're disappearing fast.
  • Discounts and other bonuses. Bigger providers may offer sign-up credits, bundling with phone and internet plans and other perks. This might make a plan cheaper at first but might not be so great down the track, especially if you're not someone who compares and switches plans regularly.
  • Hidden fees. Providers may charge to read your energy meter or some might charge a hefty disconnection fee compared to others. Look for this when comparing plans so you don't get stung.

Ready to switch but not sure how? Read our guide to see how simple switching energy providers can be.

Is it cheaper to bundle electricity and gas?

There's no requirement to choose the same provider for both fuel types other than the fact that it's convenient. In fact, it's a bit of a myth that it's cheaper to bundle your gas and electricity plans.

There's no guarantee the provider with the cheapest electricity plan in your state also has the cheapest gas plan (although it is possible).

The same rules apply with offers to bundle your energy plan with a phone or internet deal. You might save $10 a month but there might be an internet plan with another provider for $30 less a month.

Make sure you always compare your options before signing up.

Is it cheaper to pay for energy monthly or quarterly?

Generally, energy bills are charged quarterly, but some providers offer monthly billing or "bill smoothing".

Opting for bill smoothing will allow your provider to estimate your quarterly bill and split it into a monthly payment. You pay the same amount each month regardless of how much energy you use.

  • Keep in mind: Bill smoothing may not be the best option for you if your energy usage for the month or quarter ends up being less than the provider's estimated monthly cost for you.

Each provider offers different ways of paying your gas and/or electricity bill. A few common ways to pay include a direct debit from your bank account, a credit card or BPAY. You can pay online or at the post office. Debit and credit card payments may charge a fee, which makes a direct debit or BPAY a good option for paying.

What do I do if I can't pay my energy bill?

Some providers might offer personalised instalment plans that suit your unique circumstances.

Depending on the specific provider, you may have the option to do the following:

  • Delay payment of a bill, which will give you more time to pay.
  • Pay smaller amounts more frequently (including weekly and fortnightly).
  • Pay in advance when you have the cash.

In more serious situations, such as the loss of a job, serious illness or a death in the family, your provider may be able to offer more personalised financial hardship assistance. In this case, it's best to get in touch with them as soon as possible.

Depending on your circumstances, you may be eligible for rebates and/or concessions from your state government. Read more about rebates available in your state:

Why compare energy with Finder?

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We know our stuff. Our experts review hundreds of plans each month. It's hard work, but we love it.

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You can rely on us. We update plan data on dozens of providers daily, and we're constantly fact-checking.

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We're here to help. We've helped millions of Aussies find cheaper energy. That's pretty powerful.

Learn more about energy

Our energy guides can help you compare and understand what plan is best for you.

Frequently asked questions

To make sure you get accurate and helpful information, this guide has been edited by David Gregory as part of our fact-checking process.
Mariam Gabaji's headshot
Written by

Senior Utilities Editor & Tech Expert

Mariam Gabaji is a journalist with 13 years of experience, specialising in consumer topics like mobile services and energy costs. Her work appears in the ABC, Yahoo Finance, 9News, The Guardian, SBS, 7News, A Current Affair and Money Magazine. Mariam holds a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism and was a finalist for the 2024 IT Journalism Award for Best Telecommunications Journalist. See full bio

Mariam's expertise
Mariam has written 333 Finder guides across topics including:
  • Energy
  • Mobile
  • Broadband
  • Consumer tech

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