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Being a student can mean struggling to survive on a part-time job and going without things you don't think you can afford. Student health insurance doesn't have to be one of them. Some insurers let you stay as a dependent on your parent's policy, you can get up to 10% off if you're aged between 18 and 29, and there are plenty of cheap policies that'll cover you for the basics.
The policies above from Finder partners are for a basic level of cover. Once you've clicked through, you can tell them your age and it will apply your age-based discount.
If you're over 25, you probably won't be eligible to stay as a dependant on your parents' policy anymore.
To qualify as a dependant for student health insurance, ​you'll typically need to be under the age of 25, not married or in a de facto relationship, and studying full-time. Some insurers have an even shorter cut off age of 21.
However, this is set to change. Both Members Health Fund Alliance and Private Healthcare Australia (the private health insurance industry's peak representative bodies) have indicated that health insurers will soon allow you to stay on your parents' policy until you're 31, thanks to legislation changes.
Response | WA | VIC | QLD | NSW |
0 | 1.89% | 0.64% | ||
Between 5 and 10 | 0.74% | 0.51% | ||
2 | 0.51% | |||
1 | 0.64% |
Basic hospital insurance only needs to provide restricted cover for rehabilitation, hospital psychiatric services, and palliative care but many funds offer cover for a few more types of treatment. It's generally the most affordable type of student health insurance available.
Typical cost: Begins around $80/month for a single policy.
Bronze student health insurance hospital covers a range of Medicare services, such as ear, nose and throat, gynaecology and bone, joint and muscle. It's a little more than a basic policy but is still relatively affordable, making it a good choice for students who want cover for more without the price tag.
Typical cost: Begins at around $80/month for a single policy.
Silver level health insurance generally covers a wide range of Medicare services with some exceptions, such as pregnancy and obstetrics, assisted reproductive services, cataract and lens procedures, joint replacements, dialysis and sterilisation.
Typical cost: Begins at around $115/month for a single policy.
Top student health insurance hospital cover typically covers all 38 services where Medicare pays a benefit. This includes pregnancy and assisted reproductive services so is probably more than you need as a student.
Typical cost: Begins at around $160/month for a single policy.
We've picked out a range of good value basic health insurance options that might be good if you're a student. They're not necessarily the best basic policy for you since everyone's needs differ, but they all offer cover for the basics at an affordable price.
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If you are a student, your income is possibly only coming from part-time work, so saving on the cost of your insurance is a high priority. Ways to do this could include:
The public healthcare system gives Australians access to essential services such as free emergency care in a public hospital and cover for some non-hospital treatments such as GP visits and medication. It doesn't cover everything and waiting periods tend to be longer compared to private health insurance, which is partly why over 50% of Australians also have health insurance.
Private health insurance is essentially designed to make up for the gaps in medicare. This includes most out of hospital services such as dental, physio and optical. It can also pay for ambulance services which are not free in most Australian states. Health insurance can also give you access to treatment in a private hospital and let you choose the doctor that treats you.
ahm offers a broad range of policies with affordable premiums, but if you’re looking for the lowest price possible, cheaper options are available.
With reasonable prices and strong benefits, several Medibank policies were highly commended in the 2024 Finder Health Insurance Awards.
A dental emergency could cost thousands. Emergency dental insurance helps cover the cost so you can get the treatment you need.
Our experts compared 30+ funds and analysed hundreds of policies to help you find the best health insurance.
Get affordable cover for ambulance transport if you are not already covered under Medicare. Compare quotes from Australian funds to decide which level of protection is best for you.
Mental health issues are serious and can be costly, which is why Australian health funds are legally obligated to offer cover for treatment.
What does private health insurance typically cost? Our comprehensive guide will tell you.
Find out about the latest health insurance deals and special promotions.
Find out everything you need to know about getting couples health insurance.
Learn how to get cheap health insurance and what you can expect for your money.