Media Release

One third of NBN users wish it had never happened

  • Reliability and speed top reasons for buyer’s remorse
  • Victorians most likely to want to switch back
  • How to improve your connection/li>

08 June 2018, Sydney, Australia – Many Aussies wish they could switch back to their previous Internet service rather than having to use the NBN, reveals new research by

The survey of 958 Aussies on the NBN shows that one-third (34%) would revert to their pre-NBN service if they had the option.

The leading reasons for this desire is that respondents believe their previous connection was more reliable or faster.

Angus Kidman, tech expert at, says despite that lack of enthusiasm, there's no option to revert back.

“The reality is that everyone will need to switch over to the NBN. Aussies generally have 18 months to migrate to the NBN before all copper and cable networks will be disconnected.”

“These figures suggest that many are disappointed with their connection, especially when comparing it to their previous service.”

Why do NBN users want to switch back their Internet service?
My previous service was more reliable / had less dropouts12%
My previous service was faster10%
My previous service was better value overall7%
My previous service was cheaper4%

Figures are rounded to the nearest whole per cent.

Victorians are the most likely to want to switch back to a non-NBN connection with 40% wishing it could be a possibility. This is followed by New South Wales at 38% and Queensland residents at 30%.

“While the NBN technology available at your address is out of your control, you can switch providers or opt for a faster speed tier if you’re unsatisfied with your NBN connection.”

“If you are experiencing poor speeds, use a broadband speed test to check your connection. If you are unhappy with the results then it’s definitely time to contact your ISP, as well as potentially considering different providers.”

How to improve your connection

  1. Check your speed
    Before you decide on the best way to improve your connection you’ll want to check your speed. You should do this while you’re connected through your Wi-Fi as well as directly through an ethernet cable to determine where the issue lies. Most of the time you’ll find your issues arise because you’re not on the right plan for your usage, or you’re experiencing congestion, so make sure to check your actual speeds with what your plan has promised.
  2. Select the right speed tier for your uses
    If you’re having issues with your connection you might not actually be on the right speed plan for your uses. The typical moderate user can make do with a standard NBN25 plan, whereas a family of streamers should opt for speeds of 50mbps and above. Check your current plan and consider switching if you find you’re connection to be slow.
  3. Make sure you’re using the right hardware
    Most people don’t know that different modems can offer you different connection speeds, and unfortunately a lot of the time the modem that your ISP sends you is not the fastest. If after doing a speed test you find you have much faster speeds while connected via an ethernet cable it might be time to invest in a more powerful modem. Also, some modern modems like the Telstra Smart Modem can switch to a mobile 4G network if your line drops out, meaning you’re never offline.
  4. Try a different ISP
    If you’re still not satisfied with your connection you might need to consider switching providers. Before you do make sure you ask your neighbours who they’re with, and whether they’re satisfied as different providers will perform better in different areas.


For further information


The information in this release is accurate as of the date published, but rates, fees and other product features may have changed. Please see updated product information on's review pages for the current correct values.

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