Fair Go Finance Large Personal Loan

  • Tim Falk's headshot
Fair Go Finance Large Personal Loan
Interest Rate (p.a.)
21.90% to 25.90%
Comp. Rate (p.a.)
28.71% to 33.80%
Min Loan Amount


Get a personal loan from $5,050 up to $10,000, with terms up to 2 years. Interest rates are high and are personalised based on your credit score.

The Fair Go Finance is a non-bank lender offering a large personal loan up to $10,000. Their loan applications are online and take around 6 minutes to complete. Turnaround times are fast, and funds are transferred minutes after you’ve accepted the offer. The rates for this loan are personalised, which means that if you have excellent credit, you could be offered lower interest rates. Interest rates, however, are high, ranging from 21.90% up to 25.90%, with a comparison rate of 28.71% up to 33.80%. Establishment fees range from $546 up to $795, and there is a monthly fee of $12 - $9.

In this guide

  • Review
  • Details
    • Product details
  • How does the Fair Go Finance large personal loan work?
  • How to apply
  • Features of this loan
  • How much does the Fair Go Finance large personal loan cost?
  • Your reviews


Product details

Product Name Fair Go Finance Large Personal Loan
Interest Rate (p.a.) 21.90% to 25.90%
Comp. Rate (p.a.) 28.71% to 33.80%
Interest Rate Type Variable
Min Loan Amount $5,050
Max. Loan Amount $10,000
Loan Security Unsecured

How does the Fair Go Finance large personal loan work?

The Fair Go Finance large personal loan is available for loan amounts ranging from $5,001 to $10,000. You can use the funds for just about any purpose you desire, including:

  • Buying a car
  • Paying for a holiday
  • Paying medical bills
  • Performing home improvements or renovations
  • Refinancing an existing loan
  • Consolidating your debts
  • Paying school fees

You must have a good or OK credit rating in order to qualify for a large personal loan from Fair Go Finance.

How to apply

If the Fair Go Finance large personal loan sounds as though it offers all the features you need, click on one of the "Go to site" links on this page. This will redirect you to the Fair Go Finance website so you can begin an application.

However, you'll first need to check whether you satisfy a few personal loan eligibility criteria. You must be:

  • 18 years of age or older
  • A permanent Australian resident
  • In regular paid employment
  • Able to show a good or OK credit rating

If you tick all these boxes, you can apply for a loan from Fair Go Finance online. During the application process you will need to provide:

  • Your name, residential address, citizenship details and contact information
  • Your driver's licence details
  • Details of your employment and income
  • Information about your assets, expenses and liabilities
  • Contact information for two referees
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Features of this loan

The Fair Go Finance large personal loan provides the following features to borrowers:

  • Loan amounts of $5,050 to $10,000. The Fair Go Finance large personal loan is available for amounts of up to $10,000.
  • Fixed or variable rates. This personal loan is available with fixed or variable interest rates, and rates vary depending on the lender and the amount you wish to borrow.
  • Terms from 14 months to 2 years. Loan terms ranging from 14 months to 2 years are available, allowing you to tailor a repayment schedule that suits your needs.
  • Credit requirements. You must have a good or OK credit rating in order to qualify for a Fair Go Finance large personal loan.
  • Loans from partner lenders. Fair Go Finance can help you find the loan you're looking for from its large panel of partner lenders. The panel includes both bank and non-bank personal loan lenders, and Fair Go Finance can negotiate personal loan terms on your behalf.
  • Protection for your credit file. Fair Go Finance will only apply for a loan with a partner lender on your behalf if that loan is suitable for your needs. This is due to the fact that submitting multiple loan applications can harm your credit rating – Fair Go Finance does not do this.

How much does the Fair Go Finance large personal loan cost?

Fair Go Finance large personal loans are offered by a wide range of bank and non-bank lenders in Fair Go Finance's lending panel. As a result, the fees that apply will vary, depending on the lender that offers your loan and the amount you borrow.

All fees and charges will be outlined in your personal loan contract. Read this closely to determine the total cost of a loan and work out whether it's the right choice for you.

Fair Go Finance's large personal loan offers a number of useful features for borrowers looking for flexible finance. However, before deciding whether this loan is right for you, make sure to weigh its pros and cons against a range of other personal loans at finder.com.au.

  1. Fair Go Finance Large Personal Loan information page
  2. Fair Go Finance Large Personal Loan TMD

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