Media Release

What’s your number? 14.2M Aussies don’t know their credit score

      • Only 27% Aussies know their score
      • Canberrans have the highest credit scores on average
      • Tips to check and improve your score

18 March 2019, Sydney, Australia - Millions of Aussies are in the dark about a single score that can impact their borrowing power, according to research from Finder, Australia's most visited comparison site.

The Finder survey of 2,026 Australians reveals that 73% of respondents – equivalent to 14.2 million – don't know their number, with some admitting they don't know what a credit score is.

A credit score reflects a person's credit history and typically ranges from 0 to 1,0001. Lenders will take it into account when deciding whether to approve a loan application or line of credit.

Surprisingly, Millennials (those aged 24-38) are the generation most likely to know their credit score. Nearly one third (32%) stated that they know their score, compared to just 25% of Baby Boomers.

Kate Browne, personal finance expert at Finder, encourages all Aussies to know their number.

"Your credit score is a vital sign of your financial health and could see you turned down for a home loan or personal loan.

"It's hard to believe 14 million Aussies don't know their score – after all, lenders and banks certainly know your score, shouldn't you?

"As lending has become stricter following the Royal Banking Commission, it's important to find out what your score is. That way if it's not in the best shape, you can take steps to improve it ."

A Finder analysis of 14,000 Australian credit reports found that Canberra residents have an average credit score of 706 – the highest in Australia.

Brisbane (679) and Hobart (664) were the capital cities with the lowest average credit scores across Australia.

Browne said Canberra residents are setting a good example for the rest of the country.

"It should come as no surprise that the ACT is also the highest income earning region in Australia," she said.

According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics on average Canberrans earn the most in the country at $1,847 per week, compared to $1,460 in Tasmania.

1Credit scores ranges from 0 to 1,000 or 0 to 1,200 depending on the reporting agency. This analysis uses Experian's 0 to 1,000 scale.

Do you know your credit score?
I don't know what a credit score is8%

Source: February 2019 Finder survey of 2,026 Australians

Capital city comparison

CityAverage score

Source: Finder analysis of 14,000 credit reports

Kate Browne, personal finance expert at Finder shares tips to improve your credit score

  • Get your credit score and credit report: You can check your credit score for free through Finder. Once you receive your score, you can check which credit band you fall into and review your credit report to get a more in-depth understanding of your financial position.
  • Check your report for high-risk listings: If your score is low, read through your report and keep an eye out for negative listings. This can include multiple credit enquiries in a short space of time, credit cards with high limits, multiple loan accounts and black marks such as late payments, defaults, serious credit infringements and bankruptcies.
  • Identify listings that you can improve: If you have a high credit limit that you aren't using, you can contact your bank to lower it. If you have multiple personal loans or credit card debt, you can consolidate them under one product with a promotional 0% interest rate and pay off your debt with no interest. You should also make sure you're paying all of your bills on time and create a budget to repay any existing debts.
  • Keep an eye on your score: When you order your credit score and report through Finder, you'll also receive updates if anything changes on your report. That way you can stay on top of your finances and any impacts on your score.


For further information


The information in this release is accurate as of the date published, but rates, fees and other product features may have changed. Please see updated product information on's review pages for the current correct values.

About Finder

Every month 2.6 million unique visitors turn to Finder to save money and time, and to make important life choices. We compare virtually everything from credit cards, phone plans, health insurance, travel deals and much more.

Our free service is 100% independently-owned by three Australians: Fred Schebesta, Frank Restuccia and Jeremy Cabral. Since launching in 2006, Finder has helped Aussies find what they need from 1,800+ brands across 100+ categories.

We continue to expand and launch around the globe, and now have offices in Australia, the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Poland and the Philippines. For further information visit

12.6 million average unique monthly audience (June- September 2019), Nielsen Digital Panel

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