Savings with Sarah

Weekly tips from our money expert Sarah Megginson.

Sarah Megginson Senior Money Editor

Taking the homework out of home finances

Hi, I'm Sarah Megginson, and I'm here to help you save money and make money! As an editor and personal finance expert with 20 years' experience, I want to take the hard work out of managing your money and maybe – dare I say it – even start to enjoy it?! I tackle some of the big issues as a regular columnist with Yahoo Finance and Money magazine, the bottom line is: I'm on a mission to make money less like homework and more like a good time.

Sarah Megginson Media

Giving you the latest trends and research

You may see me pop up on the TV a couple of times a week talking all things money, budgets and savings on shows like Sunrise, Studio 10, Sky News, The Today Show and nightly news. In 2023, my tips and advice were featured in the media over 1,000 times, as I share the latest trends and research, backed up by Finder's Consumer Sentiment Tracker, on the radio and with print and digital journalists almost every day, to help everyday Australians stay up-to-date on issues that impact them.

Sarah Megginson Media Commentator

So you never pay more than you need to

Why do journos want to pick my brain? It's because my tips can help you automate, streamline and compare to take the stress out of managing money and never pay more than you need to. From there, a quick review every 6 months or so keeps you on top of your game.

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