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Compare super funds

Switching to a low-fee, high-performing super fund could help you retire with hundreds of thousands of dollars more – and it’s so quick and easy to do.

1 - 16 of 429
Name Last 1 year performance (p.a.) Last 3 year performance (p.a.) Last 5 year performance (p.a.) Last 10 year performance (p.a.) Fees on $50k balance (p.a.)
Virgin Money Super - LifeStage Tracker
Virgin Money Super logo
LifestageHigher risk
Last 1 year performance (p.a.)
Last 3 year performance (p.a.)
Last 5 year performance (p.a.)
Last 10 year performance (p.a.)
Fees on $50k balance (p.a.)
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Your fund's asset allocations adjust automatically as you age, offering you more growth opportunity when you're younger and lower-risk investments as you approach retirement.
Virgin Money Super - LifeStage Tracker
Virgin Money Super logo
LifestageHigher risk
Last 1 year performance (p.a.)
Last 3 year performance (p.a.)
Last 5 year performance (p.a.)
Last 10 year performance (p.a.)
Fees on $50k balance (p.a.)
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AMP Super MySuper Lifestages 1970s
AMP logo
Last 1 year performance (p.a.)
Last 3 year performance (p.a.)
Last 5 year performance (p.a.)
Last 10 year performance (p.a.)
Fees on $50k balance (p.a.)
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Australian Ethical Super Australian Shares
Australian Ethical Super logo
Green CompanyEthicalHigher risk
Last 1 year performance (p.a.)
Last 3 year performance (p.a.)
Last 5 year performance (p.a.)
Last 10 year performance (p.a.)
Fees on $50k balance (p.a.)
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Hostplus Balanced
Hostplus logo
Industry fund
Last 1 year performance (p.a.)
Last 3 year performance (p.a.)
Last 5 year performance (p.a.)
Last 10 year performance (p.a.)
Fees on $50k balance (p.a.)
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Aware Super High Growth
Aware Super logo
Industry fundHigher risk
Last 1 year performance (p.a.)
Last 3 year performance (p.a.)
Last 5 year performance (p.a.)
Last 10 year performance (p.a.)
Fees on $50k balance (p.a.)
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Australian Retirement Trust - High Growth
Australian Retirement Trust logo
Industry fundHigher risk
Last 1 year performance (p.a.)
Last 3 year performance (p.a.)
Last 5 year performance (p.a.)
Last 10 year performance (p.a.)
Fees on $50k balance (p.a.)
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Australian Ethical Super Growth
Australian Ethical Super logo
Green CompanyEthicalHigher risk
Last 1 year performance (p.a.)
Last 3 year performance (p.a.)
Last 5 year performance (p.a.)
Last 10 year performance (p.a.)
Fees on $50k balance (p.a.)
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HESTA Balanced Growth
HESTA logo
Industry fund
Last 1 year performance (p.a.)
Last 3 year performance (p.a.)
Last 5 year performance (p.a.)
Last 10 year performance (p.a.)
Fees on $50k balance (p.a.)
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UniSuper - Balanced
UniSuper logo
Industry fund
Last 1 year performance (p.a.)
Last 3 year performance (p.a.)
Last 5 year performance (p.a.)
Last 10 year performance (p.a.)
Fees on $50k balance (p.a.)
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Australian Retirement Trust - International Shares Index (unhedged)
Australian Retirement Trust logo
Finder AwardIndustry fundIndexed investmentHigher risk
Last 1 year performance (p.a.)
Last 3 year performance (p.a.)
Last 5 year performance (p.a.)
Last 10 year performance (p.a.)
Fees on $50k balance (p.a.)
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Australian Ethical Super Balanced
Australian Ethical Super logo
Green CompanyEthical
Last 1 year performance (p.a.)
Last 3 year performance (p.a.)
Last 5 year performance (p.a.)
Last 10 year performance (p.a.)
Fees on $50k balance (p.a.)
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HESTA High Growth
HESTA logo
Industry fundHigher risk
Last 1 year performance (p.a.)
Last 3 year performance (p.a.)
Last 5 year performance (p.a.)
Last 10 year performance (p.a.)
Fees on $50k balance (p.a.)
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UniSuper - Growth
UniSuper logo
Industry fundHigher risk
Last 1 year performance (p.a.)
Last 3 year performance (p.a.)
Last 5 year performance (p.a.)
Last 10 year performance (p.a.)
Fees on $50k balance (p.a.)
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Australian Ethical Super International Shares
Australian Ethical Super logo
Green CompanyEthicalHigher risk
Last 1 year performance (p.a.)
Last 3 year performance (p.a.)
Last 5 year performance (p.a.)
Last 10 year performance (p.a.)
Fees on $50k balance (p.a.)
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Australian Retirement Trust - High Growth Pension
Australian Retirement Trust logo
Industry fundLifestage
Last 1 year performance (p.a.)
Last 3 year performance (p.a.)
Last 5 year performance (p.a.)
Last 10 year performance (p.a.)
Fees on $50k balance (p.a.)
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Showing 16 of 40 results

The information in the table is based on data provided by Chant West Pty Ltd (AFSL 255320) which is itself supplied by third parties. While such information is believed to be accurate, Chant West does not accept responsibility for any inaccuracy in such information. Chant West’s Financial Services Guide is available at . Finder offers no guarantees or warranties about the data and we recommend that users make their own enquiries before relying on this information. Performance, fees and insurance data is based on each fund's default MySuper product. Where the performance, fees and insurance data for the MySuper fund vary according to the member's age, results for individuals between 40-49 years of age have been shown. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

Unless indicated otherwise, the information in the table is based on data provided by SuperRatings Pty Limited ABN 95 100 192 283, a Corporate Authorised Representative (CAR No.1309956) of Lonsec Research Pty Ltd ABN 11 151 658 561, Australian Financial Services Licence No. 421445.

*Past performance data and fee data is for the period ending June 2024

How to compare super funds

Look for the following features when you're comparing super funds in the comparison table above.


Low fees.

The lower the fees the better, as higher fees will eat into your investment returns. A general rule of thumb is to make sure the fees are less than 1% of the value of your super balance per year (so for a $50,000 balance, annual fees around $500 or less are relatively low).


High long-term performance.

Look at the 5- and 10-year performance returns instead of only looking at the past year's performance. Super is a long-term investment, so you want a fund that has consistent, strong performance over the long term rather than a one-off good year.


An investment strategy that suits your age.

Generally, you should invest in more high-risk growth assets (like shares) while you're young because you have plenty of time to ride out any short-term market falls. If you're young and want to take on more risk, compare high growth investment options.


An investment strategy you agree with.

Some funds offer life stage investment options, meaning they'll adjust your investments for you as you get older so you're not taking on too much risk. Others will offer pre-mixed options based on certain risk levels and regardless of age, e.g. balanced, conservative or high growth. Think about which option works best for you before comparing.


An investment approach that aligns with your values.

According to Finder data, 43% of Australians are interested in their super being invested ethically. If you're passionate about investing ethically and want to exclude certain industries such as fossil fuels or tobacco, choose a fund that offers a sustainable or ethical investment option.


Suitable insurance cover.

Most funds will offer a default level of cover for death and TPD insurance automatically when you join. If you need more cover, for example income protection, check the fund offers this before joining. Check the fund's PDS to understand the default level of cover offered and the cost.

Why should you compare super funds?

Millions of us aren't actively engaged with our super, despite it likely being our most-valuable asset in retirement.

According to Finder data, 58% of Australians are with the super fund that their employer chose for them and almost half (48%) of us have stuck with the same super fund for our whole life so far.

If this is you, you could be stuck in a poor-performing fund with high fees and an investment strategy that doesn't suit your age or stage of life. This could cost you hundreds of thousands of dollars by the time you retire.

How to compare the right super fund for you

How you choose to invest your super is a personal choice. You might have a high risk tolerance and be comfortable investing exclusively in shares. Or, you might be a bit more risk-averse and want something less volatile. If you're unsure where to start, here are some pointers based on your age.


What to consider if you're under 35

You're young and still have 30+ years before you can access your super. Because you have so much time on your hands, it's recommended you invest more heavily in higher-risk, growth assets like shares via a high growth investment option. Shares can be volatile in the short term, but continue to perform exceptionally well over the long term.


What to consider if you're 35–55

You still have a good 10–30 years for your super to stay invested before you begin to access it. This is still plenty of time to invest in higher-growth investment options that invest heavily in shares. However, as you get closer to 50 you may have a lower risk tolerance than you did in your 30s. If this is the case, you could consider gradually reducing your exposure to shares by switching to a balanced investment option.


What to consider if you're over 55

As you get closer to retirement it's generally advised to have a more balanced mix of investments, with some defensive assets like cash, so you're not putting all your eggs in the one basket. Again, your super will stay invested for many years even after you turn 55 so it's important to have some exposure to shares so your balance continues to grow, but you might not want all your balance invested in shares.

Remember, there's no set rule for how you should invest based on your age alone, these are just some general ideas to get you started.

Frequently asked questions

Why you can trust Finder's super fund experts

freeYou pay nothing. Finder is free to use. And you pay the same as going direct. No markups, no hidden fees. Guaranteed.
expert adviceYou save time. We spend 100s of hours researching super funds so you can sort the gold from the junk faster.
independentYou compare more. Our comparison tools bring you more super funds from across the market.
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Alison Banney is the money editorial manager at Finder. She covers all areas of personal finance, and her areas of expertise are superannuation, banking and saving. She has written about finance for 10 years, having previously worked at Westpac and written for several other major banks and super funds. See full bio

Alison's expertise
Alison has written 645 Finder guides across topics including:
  • Superannuation
  • Savings accounts, bank accounts and term deposits
  • Budgeting and money-saving hacks
  • Managing the cost of living

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