Where to watch Stargate SG-1 online in Australia

Ten years on, the planet-hopping sci-fi series is still as entertaining as ever.



10 seasons


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Our expert says: Sci-Fi Adventure

"Stargate SG-1 is a sci-fi adventure that explores new worlds and ancient mysteries. The imaginative plots and strong character dynamics make it a beloved series. "

Stargate SG-1
Image credit: Stan


Stargate SG-1

Year released



Adventure, Sci-Fi


Moderate violence, Infrequent coarse language, Supernatural themes


Colonel Jack O’Neill and his SG-1 team; Daniel Jackson, Teal’c, and Capt. Samantha Carter, set out to explore the mysteries of the Stargate. Each mission through the gate takes the SG-1 team to new worlds in a seemingly boundless universe.


  • Season 1
  • Season 2
  • Season 3
  • Season 4
  • Season 5
  • Season 6
  • Season 7
  • Season 8
  • Season 9
  • Season 10

Cast and crew

  • Amanda Tapping
  • Richard Dean Anderson
  • Michael Shanks
  • Christopher Judge
  • Don Davis
  • Teryl Rothery
Has anyone ever discovered an alien artifact that hasn't brought doom and destruction to our humble planet? Probably not, but at least that means we get brilliant sci-fi series like Stargate SG-1 as consolation. Continuing the story of the 1994 Stargate movie, Stargate SG-1 centres on the titular Stargate, an ancient device that enables travel between Earth and countless alien planets across the galaxy. In the wake of the device's discovery, the US government assembles teams of elite Air Force operatives and sends them out to explore the galaxy – and of course, size up any aliens they encounter to determine whether they pose a threat to humankind. This is the US government we're talking about here, after all.

The show chronicles the adventures of SG-1, one of many teams tasked with charting the galactic unknown. Led by the stoic Colonel Jack O'Neill (Richard Dean Anderson), SG-1 is made up of the best of the best, from the brainy archaeologist Daniel Jackson (Michael Shanks), to the indomitable Captain Samantha Carter (Amanda Tapping), to the fierce Jaffa warrior Teal'c (Christopher Judge). Whether it's a fleet of flying pyramid warships or a race of mind-controlling parasites, the team always manages to save Earth from an untimely end.

Spanning 10 seasons and 214 episodes, Stargate SG-1 still stands as one of the longest-running sci-fi TV series ever made.



10 seasons


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Is Stargate SG-1 on Netflix?

No, Stargate SG-1 isn't on Netflix. It's exclusive to:
  • MGM - Season 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.

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Matt Sayer is a technology writer and editorial engineer for Finder, combining industry expertise with data-driven solutions to help people make better decisions. His extensive portfolio spans investigate reporting on the roll-out of 5G, statistical analysis on the legacy of E3 and guides for popular products like mobile phones and smart speakers. Matt has a Bachelor of Computer Science from RMIT University and is passionate about finding ways that technology can better our lives. See full bio

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