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Would one of these mobile plans be suitable for a accommodation complex. I have 4 units in a besser brick complex that I want to put the internet on?
Hi Lyn,
Majority of these plans come with unlimited data so sharing it amongst a complex of 4 shouldn’t be an issue, but what will matter is the speed which is likely NBN 100 or above. You may potentially need NBN 250. You can look at some options on this page.
Hope this helps!
How cheap is Telstra in Cairns?
Hi Reginald, Telstra’s pricing for broadband is the same around Australia – there aren’t regional variations. You can search for Telstra using the filters on this guide to see its current pricing and how it compares with others. As a rule of thumb, Telstra’s plans are rarely the cheapest on the market, so it’s worth comparing before signing up.
how many of these companies buy line time off of telstra ?
The short answer is “none”. With wired broadband and other NBN options, the NBN is owned and managed by NBN Co – Telstra no longer owns the underlying network. Providers purchase access wholesale direct from NBN Co.
Some mobile broadband providers use the Telstra network, but that isn’t “line time” either. You can compare mobile providers using the Telstra network here.
Do you install in homes
Hi Gladys, At Finder, we provide tools to help you compare internet plans, but we don’t sell or service those plans ourselves. Most providers will send a modem to your use along with instructions on how to use it, and offer phone support if you need assistance. If you want more assistance with setup, commercial services such as Geek2U can assist. It can also be worth checking with your local community centre or library, as some of these have volunteer services to help with IT issues too. Hope this helps!
I’m wondering when fibre to the premises will become available to my house in Medina WA – they laid the cable 10 months ago! Also wondering about my business premises in Hillman.
Hi, To get an FTTP upgrade, you’ll need pick an NBN provider that meets your needs and then apply through them – it won’t happen automatically for your premises. You can use the table on this guide to help compare different services.