Hourly Rate Calculator
Not sure what to charge? This calculator can help you figure it out.

This calculator helps you add together your costs + your profit and divide that by the number of hours you will work.
i.e. (Business Costs + Personal costs + Profit you want to make) / number of hours that you will work = hourly rate that you should charge
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I am new to UpWork, and want to work as a freelance proofreader. After working through the Hourly Rate Calculator, I am still not clear on what I should be changing for my services. Doesn’t it depend on the market value and not what I need to make? I don’t want to request some outrageous amount but I don’t want to lowball myself either.
Hi Suzanne,
Thanks for your question. Just to confirm that you’ve reached finder, a comparison website and general information service. We don’t represent Upwork or any company we feature on the site.
I’m very thrilled to know you are exploring your career options on Upwork as a proofreader and would love to guide you regarding your concern about your potential earnings.
It seems like you are more interested in the hourly contract on Upwork based on your inquiry. Though I am unsure about what you meant by changing anything for your services. Nevertheless, please keep in mind that how much you can earn will be totally up to you. Deciding on your preferred rate ultimately depends on you. You may want to evaluate your skill set and your accumulated work experience and from there decide on how much you think you deserve to get.
In addition to this, Upwork also has an alternative contract method for you in which you will be paid on a “fixed-price” depending on the completion of your assigned projects or deliverables. For more information, you may refer to the articles I’ve sent to your email about the guide in deciding for your career options.
Hope this helps!
All the best,
Thank you for your reply. Yes, I am interested in finding what I would charge for an hourly rate for my service, or time. I have read your reply and the articles you attached to your email to me, however, I am still unsure of what I should charge for my time. I fully understand that it is up to me and that I can ask for whatever I wish. Still, this is not helpful to provide a guideline for what II can realistically get. I might ask for $100 per hour, for example, and perhaps the market rate is $130 or even $15 per hour. Without knowing what other professionals with the same skill set charge – and get- I really have no idea what to set my hour rate at despite reading the articles and working through the hourly rate calculation.
Hi Suzanne, thanks for your reply.
I have sent you the official hourly rates from the editorial freelancers association to give you an indication of what you can charge.
How do you calculate without knowing my age and therefore the number of years I will be working?
Hi Francis,
Thanks for your question.
Our calculator is designed to give you a general indication of what your hourly rate should be.
If you would like to discuss your personal situation, you may want to speak to a recruitment specialist.
I’ve recently finished a 12 month – month by month contract of lead generation – sales/marketing account development – account management increasing the sales by 20% during this period ( on a part-time basis 3 days p/w ). My current hourly rates have been $28. p/h.
The client has since hired a full time employee to take over from me. They have requested I spend 4 full days doing a handover which includes putting together the following;
Documents outlining the processes I’ve created
Training of systems to identify trends of accounts usage of the product
My sales/marketing material – via email & phone
Meet & greet of existing accounts in the field
Q – to impart my knowledge, info and expertise prior to my departure, what is a reasonable fee to charge on an hourly rate, as I feel this warrants a higher rate than $28.00 p/h ?
Greatly appreciate anyone/everyone’s feedback on this – please.
Hi Maria,
Thanks for your question.
Please note that finder.com.au is an online comparison service and is only licenced to provide general advice. Our calculator is based on general information and does not take into account your personal situation.
Your question is best answered by a recruitment specialist or employment agency who is able to advise on a rate that is best for you.
You can also use our calculator above this page to help give you an indication.