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Ask a question
Looking for a list of ICO issuer information including contact details. Any suggestions??
Hi Jim,
Thanks for getting in touch with Finder.
Unfortunately, we currently don’t have detailed information on ICO issuers. However, you can simply search for upcoming ICOs and you’ll find hundreds of them. Just remember that most of them probably won’t go too far. Look for the ones that offer more use, more practicality, and show every sign of being set for success.
In many cases, you’ll also notice that they only accept certain currencies. The most commonly accepted are Ethereum and bitcoin, so you might need to buy one of those first and then trade it for the ICO coin.
If you need to know more information about ICOs, here’s a helpful guide.
I hope this helps. Should you have further questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out again.
Have a wonderful day!
What do I need to provide to a tax agent for tax purposes when I buy or sell cryptocurrency. I found the link on this site once but it’s now lost.
Hi Reuben,
Thanks for getting in touch with Finder.
According to ATO, when transacting with cryptocurrencies, you need to take note of the following transaction:
I’m not sure what link you are referring to but you might find the following articles helpful:
Moreover, you might also want to read how the Australian Government treats bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies from the ATO’s tax treatment of cryptocurrencies page.
I hope this helps. Should you have further questions, please don’t hesitate to reach us out again.
Have a wonderful day!