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For minor treatments, the cost of Invisalign starts at around $3,800, according to Smile.com.au. The folks at Australian Dentists Clinic say that minor treatments start around $4,000, or as low as $2,000 for the new Invisalign i7, which is specially made for minor crowding. For a full invisalign treatment, expect to pay closer to $6,000 to $8,000, or more for complex work.
The cost of Invisalign treatment varies depending on what your orthodontist charges and the complexity of the treatment. Factors that impact the amount you pay include:
Many dentists offer payment plans that allow you to pay for the treatment over several months or years.
Yes, invisalign can be covered by health insurance under your orthodontics cover. Your policy won't cover the whole cost of Invisalign though. For a mid-range or comprehensive extras policy, you're likely to get around $600 to $800 back per person towards Invisalign costs every year. The policy itself is likely to cost you around $50 per month.
Are there waiting periods for Invisalign?
Yes. Orthodontics, which includes Invisalign, usually comes with a 12-month waiting period so you won't be able to claim straight away, but you'll still have access to lots of other extras benefits, like prescription glasses and minor dental.
Here are a few options from Finder partners that offer an orthodontic limit where Invisalign can be covered, all with a 12-month waiting period. All prices are based on a single individual with less than $97,000 income and living in Sydney.
Invisalign is a set of clear aligners that helps to straighten your teeth. Unlike traditional braces, Invisalign is made from plastic and is virtually invisible.
It has several advantages over traditional dental braces. You can eat all your favourite foods, there are no wires to break, it's easy to clean your teeth and, best of all, the aligners can barely be seen.
Invisalign aligners can also help you maintain good oral hygiene because they can be taken out when you eat and drink. They are custom-made for your teeth and fitted by a dentist who has been specifically trained on Invisalign. To make them, your dentist will take photos, X-rays and impressions of your teeth. They also use 3D technology to create a treatment plan.
Invisalign treatment isn't suitable for everyone. If you have a large overbite or need extensive work that involves shifting your jaw, Invisalign may not be the best solution. Invisalign aligners are also not ideal for children who still have growing teeth.
For adults and older teenagers who don't need any major work done on their teeth, Invisalign could be a good option, but you'll need to ask a dentist. You can see an orthodontist from as early as seven years of age to see if it is a good option for you.
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