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*Prices are based on a single person living in Sydney earning less than $97,000 a year.
The Finder Score ranks every health policy in our database on value for money. We updated this monthly with data provided by Ombudsman.
We consider the 38 hospital treatment categories, plus the covered extras categories and the total extras benefit. We also use the average price for each product. Here's the breakdown of factors we consider.
Each month we analyse over 10,000 extras insurance products and rate each one on price and features. What we end up with is a nice round number out of 10 that helps you compare extras cover a bit faster.
We want to compare apples to apples, not apples to apple pie. It doesn't make sense to compare a top extras policy with coverage for hearing aids and braces against a policy designed only for dental. So we've separated all the extras policies on the market into pools and categories. Once in their pools and categories, each product gets a price score and a features score, which are then combined to give the Final Score.
Read the full Finder Score methodology
Why compare health insurance with Finder?
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Health insurance for dental is split into general and major dental, which are explained below. Orthodontic cover and endodontic cover is also available in some higher tier extras policies.
Major dental is covered by most mid-range extras policies which let you claim up to around $800 per year. They generally cover more complex procedures such as root canal therapy (endodontics), root planing, more complex fillings and non-tooth related surgery (periodontics). Major dental usually doesn't include orthodontics – you'll need to pay extra for that – and most treatments come with a 12-month waiting period.
General dental is available in most extras mid-tier policies, including every policy that also includes major dental. This can cover you for the basics like your 6 month exam, scale and clean, fluoride treatments, X-rays, some fillings and simple extractions.
Find out how much dentures cost in Australia and how you can get cover with mid-level health insurance.
Did you know many Australian health funds can provide you with discounts on preventative oral treatments through no gap dental programs?
Have you been putting off that niggling tooth pain? See how much it costs to have your tooth extraction on public vs private.
See how much the popular treatment costs with and without insurance in Australia.
Overdue on that dentist visit? See how you can lock in that check-up and clean without breaking the bank.
How much does root canal therapy cost and what can you expect from the procedure? Find out here.
Need to have your wisdom teeth removed? Find out how much it will cost in this handy guide.
Most general dental treatments are not covered by Medicare unless you are an eligible patient, usually with a concession card.
We’ve got all the info on what endodontics services are, how Australian health insurance providers handle them and what policies will cover you.
If you want that perfect smile, you need to be aware of what your private health fund offers you.