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Of the 15 most common surgeries in Australia during 2022–23, the longest waiting times in public hospitals were for:
308 days
175 days
174 days
Here's a breakdown of the longest median waiting times for specific treatments in Australia over the past 5 years:
Treatment | 2018–19 | 2019–20 | 2020–21 | 2021–22 | 2022–23 |
Cataract extraction | 84 days | 98 days | 172 days | 158 days | 133 days |
Cystoscopy | 24 days | 23 days | 26 days | 24 days | 26 days |
Skin lesion | 25 days | 24 days | 25 days | 23 days | 26 days |
Hysteroscopy | 27 days | 28 days | 29 days | 27 days | 28 days |
Cholecystectomy | 45 days | 48 days | 56 days | 53 days | 59 days |
Total knee replacement | 209 days | 223 days | 308 days | 293 days | 308 days |
Inguinal herniorrhaphy | 59 days | 67 days | 76 days | 77 days | 82 days |
Tonsillectomy | 125 days | 130 days | 253 days | 168 days | 174 days |
Total hip replacement | 119 days | 120 days | 179 days | 153 days | 175 days |
Breast lump | 16 days | 16 days | 16 days | 16 days | 17 days |
Herniorrhaphy | 69 days | 78 days | 92 days | 97 days | 108 days |
Prostate biopsy | 29 days | 28 days | 29 days | 28 days | 30 days |
Laparoscopy | 57 days | 64 days | 79 days | 78 days | 82 days |
Arthroscopy | 75 days | 76 days | 89 days | 85 days | 86 days |
Carpal tunnel release | 62 days | 70 days | 80 days | 82 days | 83 days |
State | Days waited at the 50th percentile |
Public hospital waiting times in ACT | 49 days |
Public hospital waiting times in NSW | 69 days |
Public hospital waiting times in NT | 29 days |
Public hospital waiting times in QLD | 40 days |
Public hospital waiting times in SA | 49 days |
Public hospital waiting times in TAS | 53 days |
Public hospital waiting times in VIC | 36 days |
Public hospital waiting times in WA | 51 days |
Public hospitals are often very busy, so they need to prioritise treatment in order of urgency.
You only need to go onto a waiting list for elective surgery (a procedure that isn't considered an emergency) such as cataract surgery or hip replacement.
If you choose to go through Medicare, you can access free or low-cost hospital care. Your elective surgery can be booked once you've received a specialist medical assessment. After the doctor has confirmed that you need surgery, you'll be placed on a waiting list.
Private hospitals do have waiting lists for elective surgeries, but they're shorter than public waiting lists, on average. Private hospitals also allow you to choose the doctor you want and offer more flexibility on when you're treated, plus you can often get your own room.
The catch? Unlike Medicare, it's not free. You'll need a hospital insurance policy and if it's a pre-existing condition you want treatment for, like a bad knee, you'll need to have a policy for 12 months before you're covered.
Sometimes, wait times can be waived if you're a public patient, but only if your condition worsens and is considered an emergency. In most cases, the specialist will decide how urgently your procedure is needed and assign you to a specific urgency category. These are:
Once you've served the waiting periods (2 months for most conditions and 12 months for pre-existing conditions), your private health insurance policy will pay for 25% of the MBS fees associated with your procedure and Medicare will pay for the other 75%.
You may still have out of pocket expenses because doctors and surgeons can charge more than the MBS fee. For many people though, the price is worth it because you can get treated sooner.
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Why compare with us
Australia has a great public healthcare system, but when it comes to elective surgery, there are good reasons to get private health insurance.
Find out how much a colonoscopy costs in Australia and how you can avoid paying heaps.
Find out spinal fusion costs, waiting times, out-of-pocket expenses and more.
You've lost a lot of weight. Lose the extra skin with excess skin removal and reveal the shape you've built underneath.
Gold hospital insurance is the most comprehensive hospital cover that money can buy – starting from around $53 per week.
We break down the cost of cataract surgery in Australia for those with and without insurance.
Find out what health insurance tiers mean and how much you’ll pay.
Accessing treatment from one of your health fund’s preferred providers can help you save money but can also limit your health care choices. Find out more here.
How much does it cost to have an MRI and how much of that expense is covered by Medicare and private health insurance? Find out here.
Health insurance for weight loss surgery starts at around $62 a week with gold-tier hospital policies. It comes with a 12-month waiting period, so it's worth getting sooner rather than later.