Being a student usually means late nights at the library, cheap drinks at the local pub and finally learning how to cook your own meals. But unfortunately for the majority of students in Australia, it also means being financially insecure and having very little money to get by.
Finder's Consumer Sentiment Tracker has collected data from over 13,893 Australians. The results show that students are struggling significantly more with their finances than those working full-time.
But if you are a student, don't fret. There are plenty of ways to set yourself up for a financially secure future.
The average student vs the average full-time worker
The financial position of students
Not surprisingly, students have substantially lower incomes than full-time workers. The average full-time student in our survey earns $16,310 per year, compared to $87,131 for full-time workers. According to the Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research, a single person earning less than $612.47 per week – is defined as living below the poverty line, placing the average student well into poverty.
To pay their way through university, close to a third (30%) of full-time domestic undergraduate students work more than 20 hours a week, with 10% working more than 30 hours based on a Universities Australia study from 2017. This has increased from 24% in 2012, indicating that students are increasingly needing to work more hours to get by.
Finder's research shows that students also have substantially less in savings ($5,388) than those working full-time ($35,544) and they are able to save less money each month ($314) than full-time workers ($1,048). Unfortunately, this has a direct impact on living standards and health outcomes for students. Universities Australia found an alarming 15% of domestic undergraduate students regularly go without food or necessities because they can't afford them.
Student wellbeing and financial stress
Your years at university should be some of the best of your life, but Finder's data shows students (71%) report significantly lower levels of overall happiness than full-time employees (81%). Students are also more likely to report extreme financial stress (35%) than full-time workers (25%).
While we can only speculate on the various factors that might make full-time employees happier than students, research consistently shows a link between overall happiness and financial security.
Finder's data shows that students' most stressful expenses are rent or mortgage payments (42%), groceries (44%), petrol (23%) and their mobile phone bill (10%). Students who are renting are also more likely to say they struggle to pay rent (49%) than those working full-time (41%).
Student debt is rapidly rising
Unfortunately, The cost of higher education continues to follow Australians into their working lives. According to data from the Australian Taxation Office (ATO), the total outstanding Higher Education Loan Program (HELP) debt grew from $25.5 billion in 2012 to $68.7 billion by 2021 and surged further to $78 billion in 2023.
The average outstanding HELP debt was $23,685 in 2021, increased to $26,494 in 2022, and reached approximately $28,371 in 2023. Since 2012, the average outstanding debt has risen by 86%, while the consumer price index (CPI)—a measure of the cost of goods and services—has grown by 19% over the same period. Additionally, the percentage of people with more than $40,000 in debt has doubled, from 11% in 2012 to 29% in 2023
While you can't control the exact amount of debt you'll have after university, the repayment system ensures you won't need to start paying it off until you earn above $51,550 per year as of 2023. To keep track of how much debt you owe, you can check your balance online at myGov or by calling the ATO.It's important that you know how much of your HELP debt remains, particularly if you're looking to take on further debt through a mortgage, for example, as this can further reduce your disposable income. If you can, opting to make voluntary repayments on your student loan will help to reduce the amount you pay through indexation charges.
How to manage your finances as a student
Set up good financial habits. Build yourself a weekly budget and deposit whatever money you can into a savings account. This will make you feel more in control of your money and give you a financial buffer for a rainy day. Money management apps like the Finder app are also a great way to track your income and expenses all in 1 place.
Get a casual job. Jobs such as food delivery, rideshare driving and tutoring can help you earn money and can fit flexibly around your study schedule. You can also sign up as a participant in surveys or research groups, which often pay with money or vouchers. Check out Finder's guide to side hustles if you're in need of inspiration.
Take advantage of student discounts. Every little bit helps, so make sure to get yourself a concession card. These are available to students in all states and give you discounts on things such as public transport, cafes, bars and movie tickets. Some tech companies even offer discounts on laptops.
Consider government assistance if you need it. If you're studying full-time or undertaking an apprenticeship, you might also be eligible for government assistance, depending on how many hours you work and whether or not you live with your parents.
Assistance programs by state/territory
New South Wales:
- Active Kids vouchers: Provides $100 vouchers for parents/guardians of school-enrolled children to help with the cost of sport and fitness activities.
- Creative Kids vouchers: Similar to Active Kids, this provides $100 vouchers to put towards the cost of creative and cultural activities.
- School Student Transport Scheme (SSTS): Provides subsidies for travel to and from school by public transport.
- School Saving Bonus: A $400 payment to help families with the cost of uniforms, books, excursions, etc. for students enrolled in government schools.
- Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF): Helps eligible families cover the costs of school camps, sports, and excursions.
- State Schools' Relief: Provides assistance with uniforms and other school essentials for students experiencing financial hardship.
- More info:
- Textbook and Resource Allowance: Provides a set amount per year to help with the cost of textbooks and resources for eligible students.
- School Transport Assistance Scheme (STAS): Provides assistance with the cost of transport to and from school.
Australian Capital Territory:
- Future of Education Equity Fund: Provides financial assistance to low-income families to help with school costs.
South Australia:
- School Card scheme: Provides financial assistance to low-income families to help with school costs.
- Student Assistance Scheme (STAS): Provides assistance with the cost of transport, uniforms, and school levies.
Western Australia:
- Secondary Assistance Scheme: Provides financial assistance to low-income families to help with the cost of school essentials.
Northern Territory:
- School Uniform Allowance: Provides an allowance to help with the cost of school uniforms for eligible students.
Important Notes:
- Eligibility criteria vary for each program, so check the specific requirements on the relevant website.
- This list is not exhaustive, so it's always worth checking with your state/territory education department for other programs that might be available.
- Many schools also have their own assistance programs, so reach out to your child's school for more information.
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