Save up to $2,800 on home insurance | Dollar Saver tip #82
Save: up to $2,800
Tip overview:
Feel like your home insurance got more expensive in the last year? You're not alone.
Finder analysis shows the premiums surged by more than 19% in the last 12 months, reaching an all-time high of $2,434.1
Did you know?
In our Finder awards analysis, we found a $2,800 difference between the cheapest and most expensive home and contents insurance policies.
This was for a $600,000 home with $100,000 of contents.
Don't get ripped off. Get a better (and cheaper) home insurance policy.
1 Based on analysis conducted for the 2024 Finder Awards.
Our house has never been threatened by flood, ever, however our postcode says we are in a flood zone!! Is it wise to drop flood cover from our insurance?
Hi Roz,
This is a decision you’ll need to make based on your own level of comfort with rgw risk. If your postcode is in a flood zone, then the technical risk of being impacted by a flood is said to be higher, though you might come to the conclusion that the risk is low. If there was a flood event, how would to feel and cope without the right cover to rebuild? Do you have other financial means to help you rebuild, or could that be catastrophic to your lifestyle and finances? These are some of the things to consider as you make the decision.
If you’re looking for ways to get a lower premium, you could consider things like increasing your excess; or shopping around for a cheaper policy elsewhere. There can be as much as $2,000 per year difference in insurers between the same policy with the same inclusions, so comparing your options can be very helpful.
Best of luck!