If you’re struggling to repay your credit card bills or other loans, Fox Symes specialises in providing debt consolidation loans. This service can help you manage your debt better by consolidating your debt into one account. This means that you’ll have to pay interest on a single loan and make single monthly repayment. You should only apply for this loan if it works out to be cheaper than your other loans combined. This loan is also available for applicants who own property. They have other services catering to applicants who don’t own property.
Personal loans from Fox Symes
Fox Symes specialises in debt consolidation loans. All types of unsecured loans, including store cards and credit cards, can be consolidated into one account. It is considered as one of the last resorts for individuals who cannot get a loan from traditional banks and credit unions. Fox Symes may have a package that will let you consolidate your debts. It can make monthly repayments easier to manage and it can also reduce the interest rates you are required to pay. Currently, their debt consolidation loan is only available to individuals who own a property. If you don’t own a property, Fox Symes may offer another type of service depending on your specific circumstances.
Features and benefits of a Fox Symes personal loan
- No-obligation quote. Discuss your situation with a financing specialist from the company. They will give you a quote for a debt consolidation loan.
- Specialised packages. The Fox Symes Debt Consolidation Loan is specifically designed to meet the needs of borrowers who cannot get financing elsewhere.
- Customer service. Any concerns you have will be addressed by a Fox Symes representative quickly and efficiently.
What other products does Fox Symes offer?
- Debt Agreement. Fox Symes offers a service wherein one of its specialists can negotiate with your creditors to come up with a fair agreement for both parties.
- Mortgage Refinance. This type of financing is available if you own a property. It uses the available equity of your property to repay other debts. The mortgage refinance may be available even if you are a pensioner, are in temporary unemployment or have an adverse credit history.
- Budgeting Assistance. If you find it hard to live within your means, it might mean that you’re overspending on some things. Talking with a budgeting specialist might give you some insights into where it is possible to curb spending.
- Bankruptcy Assistance. If you have run out of options and there is no other solution but to declare bankruptcy, it is important to get it done correctly. Fox Symes has a service that can help throughout the difficult process.
- Business Finance Solutions. Some businesses struggle with getting enough financing to cover their overhead costs. If this is the case for you, it might be a good idea to check out the business finance offers from Fox Symes.
How to apply for a personal loan from Fox Symes
The first step towards securing a debt consolidation loan is to get in contact with Fox Symes by filling out an online enquiry form. A representative from the company will call you back and you will receive a quote over the phone. Your information will be treated as confidential. Fox Symes offers a specialised debt consolidation solution for people who are struggling with debt repayments. You might want to consider calling the company for a quote if you require financial assistance involving debt settlement, budgeting or mortgage refinance.
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I am looking at options for my mother, a pensioner (aged plus super) who has a $17,000 personal loan with ANZ. I am wondering if she could get a lower interest rate.
Hi Annette,
Thanks for your comment.
If you have already compared your options for debt consolidation, then you could go ahead and submit an enquiry with Fox Symes.
If you wish to see a comparison of other options that may be available, please follow this guide to the debt consolidation process.
Before applying, please ensure that you meet all the eligibility criteria and read through the details of the needed requirements as well as the relevant Product Disclosure Statements/Terms and Conditions when comparing your options before making a decision on whether it is right for you.