Repaying a specialised loan for legal fees
You may be able to secure a specialised loan against your expected settlement. These loans come with a different repayment structure and loan terms. Repayment structures may differ based on the lender. In some cases you’ll be expected to repay the loan in full at the end of your case settlement. Standard personal loans however will start the repayment schedule right away. A specialised loan term may also be shorter than personal loans and will extend until the settlement is made.
Hello, I currently have a family law case, I had legal aid, but they were terrible, I engaged a law firm and I can see having them on side will absolutely be most beneficial for me, but I’m on a Centrelink wage and can’t afford their legal bills, only $250 per fortnight, I will need a loan, but I have only my car as an asset approx $10,000 value. What am I best to do?
Hi Lina,
There may be some options for you applying with lenders who offer specialty loans. However, you might be best off contacting the National Debt Helpline for some guidance first. They offer free debt support and debt restructuring, 5 days a week – contact them on 1800 007 007 or visit
Hope this helps!