Hostplus super review | Performance, features and fees
Hostplus is an industry super fund open to everyone to join. It offers members a history of strong long-term returns and a wide range of investment choices including low-fee indexed investment options.
Top performance: Hostplus Balanced is one of the top-performing growth funds over the past decade.
Industry super fund: Hostplus is an industry super fund, which means it's run to benefit members rather than shareholders.
Finder Awards 2023 winner: Hostplus Balanced was named the Best Low Fee Super Fund in the 2023 Finder Awards. They also won the Best Balance Super Fund in 2022
Open to everyone: Hostplus began as a fund for the hospitality, tourism and sporting sector, however anyone is now free to join.
Wide range of investment options: Choose between a lifestage fund, 12 pre-mixed investment portfolios or 9 single asset class options.
Ethical investments available: There are three socially responsible options available that invest in companies with a positive social and environmental impact.
Default insurance cover: Eligible members receive automatic death and total permanent disablement (TPD) cover.
Consolidate your super online: You can opt to consolidate your existing super into your new Hostplus account when joining or any time after you've joined by logging into your online portal.
Insurance premiums waived for new parents: Eligible members can have their insurance premiums waived for 12 months while on parental leave (not available for self-employed members).
Hostplus super investment options
{"userFilters":[{"componentType":"MULTI-SELECT CHECKBOX","options":{"comparator":"contains","includeAllSelection":false,"defaultMatcher":"ANY","values":["Industry","Retail"],"fields":[{"label":"Industry","value":"Industry","comparator":"contains"},{"label":"Retail","value":"Retail","comparator":"contains"}]},"dataSelector":{"recordType":"PRODUCT","fieldCode":"DETAILS.FUND_CATEGORY"},"dataType":"TEXT","label":"Type of fund","queryParameter":"fundtype","order":0},{"componentType":"RADIO","options":{"comparator":"contains","values":["Conservative"," Moderate"," Balanced"," High growth"]},"dataSelector":{"recordType":"PRODUCT","fieldCode":"INVESTMENTS.INVESTMENT_TYPE"},"dataType":"TEXT","label":"Risk Level","queryParameter":"risklevel","order":1},{"componentType":"PROVIDER","options":null,"dataSelector":{"recordType":"PROVIDER","fieldCode":"GENERAL.ID"},"dataType":"UUID","label":"Providers","queryParameter":null,"order":2},{"componentType":"FULL MARKET COMPARISON","options":null,"dataSelector":{"recordType":null,"fieldCode":null},"dataType":null,"label":"Finder Partners","queryParameter":null,"order":3}],"niche":{"currencySymbol":"$","decimalPoint":".","decimalPlaces":"2","thousandsSeparator":","},"prefilled":false,"experimental":false}
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The information in this table is based on data provided by SuperRatings Pty Limited ABN 95 100 192 283, a Corporate Authorised Representative (CAR No.1309956) of Lonsec Research Pty Ltd ABN 11 151 658 561, Australian Financial Services Licence No. 421445. In limited instances, where data is not available from SuperRatings for a product, the data is provided directly by the superannuation fund.
*Past performance data and fee data is for the period ending December 2024
What do Australians think of Hostplus super fund?
4.46/5 overall for Customer Satisfaction - higher than the average of 4.06, and this was the highest score in the category
4.64/5 for Trust - higher than the average of 4.45
4.49/5 for Customer Service - higher than the average of 4.07, and this was the highest score in the category
"I've been quite pleased with my returns from Host Plus Super. The onboarding process was very simple plus it allows you to easily consolidate all of your super funds that you have from other providers directly within its platform. This way you don't need to worry about managing multiple super funds, which all charge their own fees and can be costly. "
Michael Lieu
Finder crew member
Hostplus fees for large super balances
You can see the fees based on a $50,000 balance in the table above. If you've got a larger super balance, the table below shows the fees based on balanced between $50,000 and $1 million.
Calculated Fees on $100,000
Calculated Fees on $300,000
Calculated Fees on $500,000
Calculated Fees on $1,000,000
Hostplus Australian Shares
Hostplus Balanced
Hostplus Capital Stable
Hostplus Conservative Balanced
Hostplus Diversified Fixed Interest
Hostplus International Shares
Hostplus Shares Plus
Hostplus investment options in detail
You can choose from a range of pre-mixed investment portfolios, or build your own portfolio with the single sector options. After joining you're able to switch to another investment option at any time within the Hostplus app.
Choose between a range of ready-made diversified investment portfolios and let Hostplus take care of the rest. Each portfolio offers a different mix of high-risk growth assets and low-risk defensive assets. As such, each portfolio carries a different risk level. You can see what assets are classed as growth and defensive below:
Growth assets: Australian and international shares, private equity, infrastructure and property, alternatives.
Defensive assets: Infrastructure, property, fixed income and cash (such as term deposits).
If you don't want to make a choice, you'll be placed in the Balanced option, which is the authorised MySuper option.
Risk level
Benchmark asset allocation*
Balanced (MySuper)
This is the default option. It invests in more growth assets and aims to deliver consistent, high returns over the long term.
Medium to high
Growth assets: 76%
Defensive assets: 24%
Capital Stable
This is the lowest risk portfolio option, offering more reliable returns.
Low to medium
Growth assets: 38%
Defensive assets: 62%
Conservative Balanced
This portfolio invests in growth and defensive assets equally, offering some growth plus the safety of cash.
Growth assets: 57%
Defensive assets: 43%
Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) Balanced
This portfolio invests in companies that make a positive social and environmental impact.
Medium to high
Growth assets: 71%
Defensive assets: 29%
Indexed Balanced
This portfolio invests in more growth assets than defensive assets, but unlike the Balanced option, it does not invest in property or infrastructure.
Growth assets: 75%
Defensive assets: 25%
Shares Plus
This option invests heavily in Australian and international shares.
Growth assets: 90%
Defensive assets: 10%
*Asset allocation is a guide and may change slightly from time to time.
Option 2: Hostplus Life
Hostplus Life is a pre-mixed fund that's managed for you, which changes your investment allocation according to your age. This fund will invest more heavily in growth assets while you're young, and introduce more defensive assets as you get older and closer to retirement.
Here's how the Hostplus Life product invests your money:
Under 40: You'll be 100% invested in Shares Plus.
Aged 40-49: Your super will be moved into the Balanced fund.
Aged 50-59: Your super will be moved into the Conservative Balanced fund.
Aged 60+: Your super will be invested in the Capital Stable fund.
Option 3: Sector investment options
You can create your own portfolio using a mix of these single asset class options.
Sector investment option
Benchmark asset allocation
This option includes term deposits and savings accounts.
Very low
Cash: 100%
Diversified Fixed Interest
This option includes corporate and government bonds (actively managed).
Fixed income: 100%
Australian Shares - Indexed
This option includes only companies listed in Australia (passively managed).
Very high
Australian shares: 100%
International Shares - Emerging Markets
This option includes companies listed on stock exchanges in emerging markets, and is actively managed.
International shares: 100%
Diversified Fixed Interest - Indexed
This option includes corporate and government bonds (passively managed).
Fixed interest: 100%
Australian Shares
This option includes only companies listed in Australia (actively managed).
Australian shares: 100%
International Shares
This option includes companies listed on international exchanges in both emerging and developed markets (actively managed).
International shares: 100%
International shares - Indexed
This option includes international shares via products like ETFs (passively managed).
International shares: 100%
International Shares (Hedged) - Indexed
This option invests in shares hedged against currency price movements.
Very High
International shares: 100%
Option 4: Choiceplus
If you want to be more hands on with your super, the Choiceplus option allows you to make direct investments in individual shares and ETFs yourself. There are a few requirements if you're planning to use this option:
You must have at least $10,000 in your Hostplus balance
You must maintain at least $2,000 in one of the other pre-mixed or single sector options
You must maintain a balance of at least $200 in your Choiceplus account
Hostplus insurance options
What insurance options are available with Hostplus?
You'll receive the following insurance automatically when you join Hostplus, provided you have no pre-existing conditions:
Death. This is paid to your beneficiary (usually your spouse or a member of your immediate family) in the event of your unexpected death or terminal illness.
Total and permanent disability (TPD). This is paid to you in the event you become permanently disabled and can no longer work again.
You can also add the following insurance cover if you wish to:
Income protection insurance. This is paid to you if you're injured and are unable to work temporarily.
How do you add insurance with Hostplus Super?
When you initially join the fund you'll automatically be eligible for the default insurance cover, unless you're in an excluded occupation or have a pre-existing condition. You'll receive a standard unitised level of cover, which is an amount of cover based on your age. If you'd prefer, you can choose to switch to a defined benefit limit level of cover instead.
You can also add specific life events cover for different stages of your life, such as starting a family.
You can increase, reduce or cancel your cover altogether at any time after joining Hostplus.
How much does insurance cost with Hostplus?
The cost of your insurance cover will depend on the type of cover you choose, your age and your occupation.
As an example, the standard level of Death and TPD cover for a member aged 31-35 will cost about $6.93 per week for a total combined cover of around $311,000. As you get older, your insurance cover will cost more and your cover payout amount will reduce.
How do I join Hostplus?
You can join Hostplus online on the Hostplus website. The application process is simple and should take you less than 10 minutes to complete.
As well as your full name and date of birth, make sure you have the following details handy before you start the application:
Your Australian residential address
Your phone number and email address
Your tax file number (TFN)
Your chosen investment option and insurance cover (you can change or update these later too)
Details of your existing super fund if you'd like to consolidate your funds during the application process
Once your application has been completed successfully, you'll receive your membership details by email.
Quick facts on Hostplus
Type of fund: Industry fund
Number of members: 1.7 million
Assets under management: $90.5 billion
Hostplus SFN: 268 350 944
Hostplus ABN: 68 657 495 890
Hostplus SPIN (USI): HOS0100AU
Frequently asked questions
This depends on what type of fund you're looking for - there's no one fund that is best for everyone. In terms of performance, the Hostplus Balanced option (this is the default option for most members) has been one of the top-performing funds over the past 10 years.
Yes! Hostplus began as an industry fund for the hospitality, travel and tourism sector but now it's open to anyone to join.
You can take your existing super fund with you from job to job, no need to switch funds. When you start at your new job, simply give your employer your super account details so they can pay your super contributions into your current fund. Your employer should give you a form to fill out with these details.
Yes, you can make additional super contributions into your Hostplus account. You can do this via the mobile app or by logging into your account online.
You need to apply for the government super co-contribution with the ATO. If you're eligible, you can get it paid into your Hostplus account.
You'll need to first join Hostplus as a member. During the application process there will be an option to transfer all your existing super over into your new Hostplus account. Fill in the details of your previous fund (or funds) and Hostplus will contact them to initiate the transfer.
Alison is an editor at Finder and a personal finance journalist with over 10 years of experience, having contributed to major financial institutions and publications such as Westpac, Money Magazine, and Yahoo Finance. She is frequently quoted in media outlets like SmartCompany and SBS, offering expert insights on superannuation and money management. Alison holds a Bachelor of Communications in Public Relations and Journalism from the University of Newcastle, and has earned three ASIC RG146 certifications in superannuation, securities and managed investments and general financial advice, ensuring her expertise is fully aligned with ASIC standards. See full bio
Alison's expertise
Alison has written 638 Finder guides across topics including:
Hi Hostplus, How easy would it be to consolidate my 3 other super funds to hostplus?
Thank you
AngusSeptember 15, 2024Finder
Hi Andrew, It’s definitely a good idea to consolidate your super funds – otherwise you’re paying fees to multiple providers. If you want to consolidate with Hostplus, you can contact them to organise this on 1300 467 875.
MaryMarch 15, 2023
I am 74 years old and I currently have a super fund in pension mode with a major bank. Is it possible for me to move this to Hostplus and set up a pension with the fund.
RajMarch 17, 2023Finder
Hi Mary,
Thanks for contacting Finder.
Yes you can transfer your super over to Hostplus and have it set up as a pension account.
TerencelOctober 17, 2019
Most industry funds advertise an annual fee of roughly $550-650 for, say a balanced fund, based on an investment of $50,000. Can I rightly assume that larger amounts have fee scales as direct multiples of the number of $50K aliquots in the investment or is there some other form of sliding scale relative to the larger amounts?
For instance, if an investment is $3M would the annual fee be automatically 60 times x the base figure (60×550=$33000)?
FayeOctober 19, 2019Finder
Hi Terencel,
Thanks for contacting Finder.
It is best to contact and confirm with HostPlus directly to find out what they are charging you. You can also check with them other important factors like the fee scales, returns, risk and the services the fund provides.
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Hi Hostplus, How easy would it be to consolidate my 3 other super funds to hostplus?
Thank you
Hi Andrew, It’s definitely a good idea to consolidate your super funds – otherwise you’re paying fees to multiple providers. If you want to consolidate with Hostplus, you can contact them to organise this on 1300 467 875.
I am 74 years old and I currently have a super fund in pension mode with a major bank. Is it possible for me to move this to Hostplus and set up a pension with the fund.
Hi Mary,
Thanks for contacting Finder.
Yes you can transfer your super over to Hostplus and have it set up as a pension account.
Most industry funds advertise an annual fee of roughly $550-650 for, say a balanced fund, based on an investment of $50,000. Can I rightly assume that larger amounts have fee scales as direct multiples of the number of $50K aliquots in the investment or is there some other form of sliding scale relative to the larger amounts?
For instance, if an investment is $3M would the annual fee be automatically 60 times x the base figure (60×550=$33000)?
Hi Terencel,
Thanks for contacting Finder.
It is best to contact and confirm with HostPlus directly to find out what they are charging you. You can also check with them other important factors like the fee scales, returns, risk and the services the fund provides.
Kind Regards,